Components :
1. Air Filter :
The Air filter is of dry type. The purpose of the air
filter is to clean the atmospheric air from dirt &
dust before entering the engine cylinder. Air filter
needs to be cleaned periodically and replaced at
recommended intervals.
2. Intake Snorkel :
Air is drawn into the engine through the air intake
snorkel. It is located in such a way that the fresh
air from the atmosphere should easily enter into it.
3. Electronic Throttle Control :
A DC motor drive is used to move the throttle
valve over the complete movement range. The
DC motor is directly controlled by the ECU of the
Petrol engine. Throttle Valve H-bridge driver of
EMS ECU provides bidirectional control with
active recirculation and over current detection.
4. Intake Manifold :
The air intake manifold is located between throttle
body and cylinder head. It is mounted on the
cylinder head. The air from the air filter flows to
the engine cylinder through the air intake