Precautions for Catalytic Converter :
In the event of following symptoms, drive
the vehicle at slow speed without rapid acceleration.
Engine misfires or runs irregularly, following a
cold start.
A significant loss of power is noticed.
In case MIL lamp remains ON even after en-
gine has been started.
Maintenance of Closed Coupled Catalytic Con-
verter :
Closed Coupled Catalytic Converter should
be flushed by giving full throttle (4 to 5 times) in
standing condition of vehicle on daily basis. In addi-
tion to this it is recommended to run the vehicle at
high speeds (80 to 100 kmph) for few km as this will
help to flush the carbon soot deposits from exhaust
system and closed coupled catalytic converter. High
speed running of the vehicle may be done periodi-
cally to avoid chocking of Closed Coupled Catalytic
Push start or tow-starting the vehicle. (Use
jump leads)
Long (not more than 10 seconds) repeat (not
more than 3 times) starting of vehicle. Investi-
gate the cause for difficulty in starting and
rectify the same.
Long idling (to warm-up) if the engine is
running rough, after a cold start.
Switching "OFF" the ignition when driving
down the hill.
Fuel almost empty.
Pre-Coating/Painting of catalytic converter.
Parking Warning
Avoid parking of vehicle over inflammable
materials, such as dry leaves; grass etc. as
exhaust system is hot enough to initiate fire.
Ensure exhaust system and catalytic con-
verter is not blocked and is free from
Blockages in the exhaust can create back
pressure, low top speed, poor pick up, black
smoke, carbon build up and low mileage.
Check and ensure EGR Valve & control sys-
tem is clean and functioning properly.
Excessive carbon build-up / sticky valve.
Damaged vacuum lines.
The Catalytic converter should not be
dropped from a height. If dropped, it should
not be used.
All these can keep the ‘EGR’ open when
not desired and vice versa. Either way these can
seriously affect power output of the engine and also
the emission levels.
The Catalytic converter should not be
dropped from a height. If dropped, it should
not be used.