Average Fuel Consumption will get Reset to 0
When Battery is removed and refitted.
You can change the AFE unit as km/l or Miles per
Gallon (MPG UK) using SET and MODE buttons.
‘MPG’ is applicable for Export variant only.
Distance To
Indicates approximate distance that your car can
travel with available usable fuel in tank with current
Average Fuel consumption rate and it is displayed
in “km”.
This value may differ from the actual driving
distance available.
DTE will provide rolling text warning as ‘REFUEL’
at approximately 25 km distance to empty. DTE
working range is from 25 km to 1999 km.
If DTE is displayed as ‘---‘ , take your vehicle to
authorized TATA MOTORS service station.
The DTE will update with new value when fuel is
added more than 4 Liters at a time.
The average fuel consumption and distance to
empty values may vary significantly based on
driving conditions, driving habits, and condition of
the vehicle.
The distance to empty value is an estimate of the
available driving distance.
If low fuel warning light comes on, fill the fuel tank
immediately regardless the value of displayed DTE.
If vehicle is not on level ground and negative of
battery has been disturbed, the DTE function may
not operate correctly.
You can change the DTE unit as km or mi using
SET and MODE buttons.
‘mi’ is applicable for Export variant only.
fuel Economy
Updates display “Instantaneous Fuel consumption”
at regular time interval in bar graph.
Maintain INST FE bar graph above 15 km/l to
achieve better fuel economy.
INST FE will vary frequently as per driving pattern.
The INST FE display does show Fuel Economy of
last drive. It indicates Instantaneous Fuel economy
of current Drive when Ignition is turned ON.
The display does not show actual value unless