• Always ensure that all the repair /
maintenance work carried out should be as
per the instructions provided in the workshop
• Use protective clothing, apron, hand gloves,
and safety shoes while working in the
• Do not wear watch, rings and belt while
serving the vehicle.
• Keep your work area, equipment and tools
clean at all times.
• Make sure you use the proper tool for the job
and use it the right way. The improper tool or
its incorrect use can damage the part you are
working on or cause injury or both.
• Never keep the tools on the floor/vehicle. The
tools should be kept in the tool box after use.
• Cover fenders, seats, steering wheel and any
other parts those are likely to get
scratched/soiled before starting any service
• While servicing the vehicle in engine running
condition make sure that the gear shifting
lever is in neutral position and parking brake
is fully applied. Never run the engine without
proper ventilation and adequate means of
getting rid of exhaust gases.
• Prior to removing or disassembling parts, they
must be inspected carefully to isolate the
cause for which the service is called for.
• All the reusable dismantled components must
be kept in clean enamel coated white tray
sequentially in an orderly manner to facilitate
their accurate and proper reinstallation.
• Never reuse the parts like oil seals, gaskets,
packing, O-rings, locking washers, split pins,
self locking nuts and certain other parts.
• Plug the ports / openings of aggregates such
as Common rail / Injectors, HP Pump TMC,
etc., whenever removed from the car.
• For correct reinstallation of fuel lines / vacuum
lines attach tag describing the correct
• Make sure only the branded lubricants,
coolant, corrosion protection coatings and
sealants are used.
• Check all the lines for leaks related to the
systems like fuel, oil, coolant, vacuum,
exhaust and brakes after servicing.
• For vehicles equipped with high pressure fuel
injection systems do not disconnect the fuel
line between the injector and the fuel pump
without releasing the fuel pressure, fuel can
be sprayed out under pressure.
Precaution for Catalytic Converter (Petrol
If large amount of unburnt fuel goes into
the converter, it may overheat and create a FIRE
To prevent this, observe the following precautions:
• Use only unleaded gasoline.
• Engine compression checks should be carried
out within the shortest possible time.
• If necessary then only conduct a spark jump
test within the shortest possible time.
• Do not run the engine when the fuel tank is
nearly empty to avoid engine misfire and
damage to catalytic converter.
Precaution for Catalytic Converter (Diesel
• The Catalytic converter should not be
dropped from a height. If dropped, it should
not be used.
• Ensure exhaust system and catalytic
converters are not blocked and free from
• Avoid parking of vehicle over inflammable
materials, such as dry leaves; grass etc. as
exhaust system is hot enough to initiate fire.
• Avoid push start or tow-starting the vehicle.
(Use jump leads)
• Avoid long (not more than 10 seconds) repeat
(not more than 3 times) starting of the vehicle.
Investigate the cause for difficulty in starting
and rectify the same.
• Avoid long idling (to warm-up) if the engine is
running rough, after a cold start.
• Avoid switching “OFF” the ignition when
driving down the hill.
• Avoid fuel almost empty in the tank.
• Avoid pre- coating / painting of Catalytic