Inspection :
1. Hold the air filter element up to a light
source. Light should be visible through the
element. There should be no holes or tears
in the element.
2. The filter can also be cleaned using low
pressure compressed air.
3. Replace the filter element if torn or light is
not visible through the filter.
Installation :
1. Place the air filter element.
2. For re-assembling the cover, please ensure
that all the hinge lugs are properly
assembled in the slot of the air filter housing
body, before tightening the screws.
IV. Spark Plug Replacement :
Description :
Engine spark plugs are an integral part of
engine performance and fuel economy.
Worn, damaged, or spark plugs with
excessive carbon buildup may cause the
engine not to start, misfire, or cause poor
fuel economy. Replace the spark plugs as
a set every 30,000 km or sooner as needed
using the part numbers and gap setting in
Spark Plug Part No.
Gap Setting (mm)
Bosch : YR7SES
0.7 - 0.8
0.8 - 0.9
Removal :
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface, engage
the parking brake, and raise the hood.
2. Clean any dirt and debris from around the
spark plugs and spark plug ignition coils.
To avoid confusion, remove and replace
one spark plug at
3. Disconnect the spark plug high tension cable
from the spark plug by firmly gripping the
boot and pulling.
4. Use M16 Socket to remove the spark plug
from the cylinder head.