E. Hydraulic Lash Adjuster (HLA) :
Hydraulic Lash Adjuster supports the pivot
end of the rocker arm while automatically controlling
the rocker arm position to keep it in contact with the
camshafts and valve.
The range of the hydraulic lash adjuster
accommodates engine build tolerances; hence no
adjustment is required during engine assembly.
At all engine working conditions it maintains zero
clearance between rollers rockers and valve stem.
Maintenance :
Hydraulic lash adjuster uses Engine oil
pressure for its operation. In case of a freshly as-
sembled Engine, do not run for a long time; there
are chances of valve train noise / tappet noise ap-
pearing when the engine is started.
HLA noise can be heard as repeated tappet
like noise when engine is running at low idle speed.
Following procedure is recommended to
eliminate the noise.
Raise the Engine speed to 500rpm without load
(Vehicle stationary) to bleed the hydraulic cham-
ber of HLA. The noise should disappear in15-30
If the noise still persists, run the engine further
under same condition (no load at 500 RPM) for
several minutes. The noise should disappear in 3
to 30 mins, in few cases.
In a very rare case if the noise is still heard, the
HLA is stuck in compressed position and has to
be replaced.
F. Piston Cooling Nozzle :
Piston cooling nozzles are fitted on the
block / on the crankshaft oil gallery such that the oil
sprayed from it hits the underside of the piston
crown / gallery. This is very essential to bring down
the piston crown temperature.
G. Oil Pressure Switch :
Oil pressure switch sends the signal to low
oil pressure indicator lamp provided on the vehicle
instrument panel by closing the circuit to ground
when the oil pressure is low / below the optimum