Components :
A. Electronic Control Unit :
The EGR system of the vehicle is con-
trolled by the Engine EMS ECU.
Block Diagram :
The EMS ECU controls the EVRV
which in turns controls the EGR by applying vacuum
or releasing it as per the signal from the EMS ECU.
B. EGR Valve :
The EGR valve is a diaphragm valve
that is actuated by vacuum from the Vacuum pump
through EVRV. The valve is mounted on the inlet
manifold. It has three connections, one for the vac-
uum, and one for the exhaust gas inlet from the
exhaust manifold and one for the exhaust gas outlet
to the inlet manifold. The valve opens to allow the
Exhaust gas to re-circulate to the intake manifold.
C. EVRV (Electronic VacuumRegulating Valve)
The EVRV is an electro pneumatic so-
lenoid switch, which is controlled more precisely by
the EMS ECU based on the Engine speed, Coolant
Temperature and Accelerator pedal position etc.
EVRV provides variable vacuum levels to drive the