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Diagnostic Manual

is of customer perception, try to understand the

customer perception in details.

The ServiceAdvisor or technician should gain the

information about the driving habit/Pattern etc. &

try to simulate the same conditions. Perform the

quality checks & explain the customer about the

factors affecting the performance of vehicle.

Customer Education:

Sometimes customers

are not aware about the right method of opera-

tion or new features of vehicle, in that case cus-

tomer need to be educated. There are few real

examples where customer starts complaining due

to unawareness for e.g.

Starter motor protection unit (SMPU)

introduced in


for protecting the

starter motor from over cranking. According to the

feature, vehicle could not start until clutch is not

pressed completely. Customer starts complain-

ing about vehicle is not starting.

If the customer is not getting satisfied with the

explanations offered, the issue needs to be raised

to GM level to assure the customer. The post

service follow-up for repeat complaint cars should

be done thrice (after 3 days, after 7 days & after

15 days) to ensure closure of complaints.


Mr. XYZ has a concern in his Safari. He finds that

the vehicle is giving a very poor mileage. He

visits the Dealership and meets you, the smart


You find out that the mileage is 6 kmpl only. You

do a mileage ride and find that the mileage is 10

kmpl which is good.Mr. XYZ goes back satisfied.

But again complaints after 2 days.

How do we solve the problem? Probable

questions that you should ask?

You spoke to driver of Mr. XYZ & find out that

the vehicle is driven on a very busy route with

very slow traffic. Additionally Mr. XYZ always

wants the driver to keep the vehicle cabin

fully chilled before he reaches the car.

What would you do now to resolve the


The Answer is ‘Perception Management’